Within the project design service, from the beginning of the design to the license and then to the construction and settlement stages;
1) Architectural Project:
2) Static Project:
a) Reinforced Concrete Project.
b) Steel Project (in case of project scope)
c) Pool Project (In case it is within the scope of the Project)
d) Scaffolding Project.
3) Mechanical Project:
a) Plumbing Project.
b) Elevator Project (if it is within the scope of the Project).
c) Thermal Insulation Project.
4) Electrical Project:
a) Strong Current Project.
b) Weak Current Project.
c) Automation Project. (In case of project scope)
5) Making Soil Investigations:
a) Drilling Works in the Field and Preparation of Reports.
b) Conducting Seismic Studies in the Field and Preparation of Reports.
c) Performing Laboratory Experiments and Preparation of Reports.
6) Making Map Operations:
a) Plankote (Determination of land slopes and borders) Preparation with Field Study.
b) Preparation of Building Application.
For project approval and licensing procedures, an application sketch approved by LİHKAB (Licensed Mapping and Cadastre Engineering Bureau) is obtained first. The corner points and coordinates of the land and the dimensions of the plot are included in the application sketch. For this sketch, the owner of the property must go to LIHKAB in person, if he cannot go himself, he must appoint a proxy with a notarized power of attorney.
Then, together with the Application Sketch, an application is made to the relevant municipality with a petition for the zoning status (diameter) document. In the zoning status document, there are information such as construction conditions, purpose of use, building height, TAKS, KAKS, precedent status in accordance with the plan notes of the parcel. If the application is to be made by the property owner’s representatives, a notarized power of attorney must be attached to the petition.
After the zoning status (diameter) document is received, a road level report is prepared by the relevant administration. In the road elevation report, there are issues such as the natural ground elevations and leveling elevations, and where the 0.00 elevation of the parcel will be.
After these stages, the architectural project drawing can be started. The contractor company or the land owners make an agreement with the project bureaus that provide freelance engineering and architecture services for the preparation of the necessary projects. Later, the architectural project author, Zoning Law No. 3194, zoning plan notes and planned areas type zoning regulation, fire regulation, parking lot regulation, shelter regulation and so on. can draw the project in the light of regulations.
Other projects, especially the architectural project, prepared by the project owner are controlled by the relevant project and application auditors of the building inspection firm. After the control, an application is made to the relevant administration for approval, together with the letters of conformity, the project control forms and the registry status undertaking stating that the project author does not have any restrictions by the relevant professional chamber.
Following the approval of all studies and projects by the relevant administration, the building permit procedures begin. After the completion of the documents required for the license, the building permit is issued.
Static project; All floor plans including the basement, roof plans, sections of them, prepared by civil engineers in accordance with the architectural project and the ground survey report, the scales of which are determined according to the size and characteristics of the building, showing the carrier systems according to the types of reinforced concrete, masonry, steel and similar structures, details and accounts.
Mechanical installation project; It is a report of heating, cooling, ventilation projects and thermal insulation such as sanitary installation, central heating, floor heating and similar, prepared by mechanical engineers in accordance with the architectural project, the scales of which are determined according to the size and characteristics of the building. The administration requests the necessary ones from these projects according to the characteristics of the building.
Electrical installation project; These are the electrical interior installations related to the strong and weak currents prepared by electrical engineers in accordance with the architectural project, the scales of which are determined according to the size and characteristics of the building, and the elevator projects prepared together by the electrical engineer and mechanical engineer. The administration requests the necessary ones from these projects according to the characteristics of the building.
All of the studies carried out to determine the condition, location, geological structure type, depth, thickness, density, electrical resistivity, seismic velocity, acceleration, underground water depth of the underground layers of a land and the reaction of the remaining dynamic parameters of these layers in the face of a possible earthquake. called ground survey. The ground survey is the determination of the ground information to be used in the design phase of the structures to be built on the area in question; It is a report that brings together the information obtained as a result of detailed examinations of features such as soil – stone type in different layers, the risk level of the region in terms of earthquake risk, and its distance to a possible fault line. Soil survey is done by various methods, especially within the scope of soil type. Prominent among the mentioned methods; seismic, electric, magnetic, electromagnetic, gravity, radioactivity. The ground survey report has a vital importance in the design phase of the construction to be made on the ground. This report foresees the effects of the loads occurring during the earthquake and guides the construction of the constructed structure from materials and sections that can carry these loads. Preparing seismic micro-zoning maps of large areas (such as site selection) and an accurate ground survey study in accordance with the rules in the ground surveys to be made, especially in the areas that will be opened for development, are necessary in order to minimize the damage in the earthquake regions.
The process of showing the corner points of a plan or a project on the subject piece of land is called an application, also known as location display among the people. Plankote, on the other hand, is a non-scaled sketch drawn numerically and vectorally, of the current state of a piece of land, the slope of the land, the structures on the land.